Sunday, September 13, 2009

Catching Up - Summer 2009

Catching Up – Summer 2009

I have been remiss in keeping up with my posting this summer. It has been a whirlwind in many good ways.

I traveled to Harrisville, New Hampshire not once but twice; Bohus Knitting in June and Dyeing and Spinning with Lynne Vogel in August. In between these two visits I worked full-time and dyed to keep up with fiber festivals and local summer events. Wow –

Let’s catch up starting with Bohus Knitting with Susanna Hansson. Learning about the Bohus history by immersion was gratifying. I learned several nuances about knitting during this workshop. The combination of using color and texture to enhance a pattern specifically the purl stitch in the pattern made me contemplate how I look at patterns in knitting.

Here are some of the actual Bohus sweaters. I also have a new found respect for knitting for hire. The standards for the sweaters were absolute; no imperfections allowed. The sweaters are a testament to the stringent rules and skilled knitters who made them.

My new appreciation of the purl stitch is its ability to lift the color in the pattern to the surface of the design. The design becomes three dimensional. Sussana Hansson is devoted countless hours and a true passion for the “bohus sweaters.” She has assembled a large collection of the sweaters chronicling the thirty plus years the sweaters were produced. How can we say awesome in knitting? Bohus!

During the two day workshop the students began knitting wristers with yarn from the current company that sells kits for bohus sweaters. The project was a perfect way to try one of the many bohus patterns.

Visit Liberty Fibers' Online Store

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